Best Museums in Burgas region

Local Recommendations from our My Guide Bulgaria team

Museums are highly regarded by Bulgarians as the keepers of the country's great history and culture and for all we know this is exactly what they are.

The museums of history and archaeology bombard visitors with interesting facts and exhibit marvellous artifacts related to the glorious past of the Bulgarian lands, while the ethnographic museums tell us everything about the nation's curious traditions and habits. Of course, there are also many other entertaining places such as all the natural history museums and the museums of science one will come across, as well as a whole bunch of unique little spots one cannot find anywhere else in the world, such as the Museum of Humour, the Museum of Mosaics, and the Museum of Salt, for instance. House-museums are also extremely popular in Bulgaria. In most cases they are dedicated to famous people who once lived or were born there and typically show personal belongings, clothes, photographs or other valuable exhibits.